Cosmetic Ear Surgery

More commonly referred to as ‘ear pinning’, otoplasty is the surgical procedure undertaken to improve the appearance of the ears by changing their size, shape and position. Dr William Mooney explains that there are several commonalities in ears that can be successfully corrected with this surgery: ‘These include ‘bat ear’ – the technical name for ears that stick out too far, or situations where the ‘bowl’ of the ear is too deep, the folds are unfolded, or there is asymmetry. All can be corrected.’

As with other facial procedures performed by Doctor Mooney, after otoplasty the facial proportions are improved, bringing a natural and desirable balance to the face.

‘An incision in the crease behind the ear is made to disguise any future scarring well, and a headdress is required for only a week following the operation’, explains Dr Mooney. The cartilage is then reshaped and excess tissue removed if necessary. Prominent ears are ultimately repositioned closer to the head and the incision is closed with stitches.

Sadly, individuals with prominent or irregularly shaped ears often experience social ridicule from others, and young children can especially be frequent targets of appearance-related bullying.

The procedure can be safely performed on patients of any age after the ears have reached full size. Dr Mooney assures that ears have achieved their full size by five years of age, therefore otoplasty conveniently offers an option to avoid any unkind digs that the school years may bring. ‘For myself as a father, it’s the obvious choice’, Dr Mooney says.

The decision to proceed with any surgical procedure can be difficult, especially when it involves cosmetic surgery on your child. However, when you consider the research, undergoing otoplasty at an early age may prove to be a pivotal decision for your child’s future both physically and emotionally. Studies have found that individuals with unusual-looking ears have considerably lower confidence and self-esteem. Therefore, the effects of the procedure on self-confidence and psychosocial development should not be underestimated and the results are often life changing.

Parents can also rest assured, knowing that pain and discomfort during recovery is minimal, and a general anaesthetic is administered prior to the procedure. ‘Before you know it play resumes, Lego continues to get lost, dolls heads fall off – again! And your child’s life goes back to normal. Their confidence level however reaches a whole new level.’ – Dr Mooney.

Read more here with our blog “Otoplasty: the #1 Option For Ears” 

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