Dermal Fillers – Less is More

Friday, October 17, 2014

The 1990’s are remembered for many notable things; there was The Backstreet Boys and The Behemoth Supermodel Hybrid that was Claudia/Linda/Naomi/Christy. In celluloid we were Clueless and T-shirts enjoyed their high point with Hypercolour.

But the biggest leap and bound in the beauty stratosphere was definitely Dermal Fillers. In the 1990s they really hit their stride and began to literally change the face of in-clinic youth-boosting treatments.

Decades on, the efficacy of Dermal Fillers has come along in leaps and bounds, thanks to the use of hyaluronic acid – a naturally occurring substance in the body that attracts water to fill areas where volume and contours in the face has been lost.

Therefore, the most requested – and effective – areas I treat within Face Plus MediSpa Facial Rejuvenation Clinic include under the eyes to treat hollowness, the top of the cheeks to buoy youthful fullness, along the jawline and temples to enhance symmetry and in the nose to correct symmetry and minor irregularities.

Wary? That’s expected – and smart! Dermal Fillers may sound scary and some of the more overfilled looks – I’m talking to you Ms K Minogue and Ms J Simpson – can look anything but natural. But it must be said that these ‘chipmunk cheeks’ and ‘duck lip’ misdemeanours occur not because of the Dermal Filler, but due to the lack of understanding of the facial anatomy and it’s harmony by the administer.

So remember, when it comes to Dermal Fillers, slow and steady wins the race against ageing. Results can be as subtle as you desire and at Face Plus Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, we very much would prefer to undertreat a patient gradually over a series of treatments – than over fill in one fell swoop.

Our motto is definitely less is more. (In Dermal Fillers and Hypercolour T-shirts, it must be noted!)

For more information about Dermal Fillers in Sydney at Face Plus Medispa please click here or contact us on (02) 8897 0000

Face Plus Medispa Sydney’s Leading Cosmetic Clinic Bondi Junction, Bondi Beach and Bankstown